NASAA EFD System Availability for Electronic Filings

NASAA EFD is migrating to a new commercial cloud and website and will not be available January 1-5, 2025. Filings will need to be submitted before midnight ET on December 31, 2024.  Additional information here. Alternatively, you may submit filings payments directly to NDBF during that period. 

Dash for the Stash - Investor Education and Protection Program

NDBF Office

Citizens of Nebraska are eligible to compete in an investor education and protection program and contest taking place March 15 - May 15, 2016. The DASH for the STASH program is being launched in Nebraska by the Department of Banking & Finance and the nonprofit Investor Protection Institute. The two organizations will present one statewide winner with a $1,000 prize to open or add to a retirement investment account for 2016.

Read full press release